%% compt.sys.amiga                                    by  Jason Compton %%
%% Hold on....                                     jcompton@bbs.xnet.com %%

Well, there's not much else to do but hold on and hope the ride gets
a bit better...

CEI confirmed for me this morning that they did indeed put forth a
bid for Commodore.  According to Chuck in Marketing, though, C='s
trustees hadn't made any decisions yet.

(For those of you that don't know, CEI is Commodore's US distributor)

CEI also tells me that Microcosm is shipping to them.  That means that
all the US CD32 owners with the infamous coupon WILL INDEED get it!
At least, that's what I'm told...

CEI ALSO tells me that their new Amiga Ethernet board is coming soon.
Package design may be done this week.  The board is manufactured by
Ameristar.  I wasn't able to get an expected price.

Paravision's president, Cheryl Hamilton, called me this morning.  I found
out from her that the beta SX-1s are expected to be ready "real soon".
(Actually, she didn't call to tell me that, she called because she's trying
to find a certain Amazing Computing author, but I managed to ask

CD32 games still dominate the UK top 10 chart, with the most entries 
and the #1 entry.  However, it's lost ground to only have 5 on the chart.

Remind me to never again do indexed-percentage reviews.  My Emplant/
A-Max finale caused more controversy than I think I'm worth, with
some c.s.a.emulations readers not understanding, misinterpreting, or
flatly refuting my conclusions and scores.  All I can say is that I won't
use that system again...

My personal project, the conversion of ReadySoft's CD titles
(beginning with Dragon's Lair) to CD32 format has not been launched
yet, assuming it will be at all.  Dave Foster of ReadySoft and I have
talked and the mood is that RS would be interested in CD32 versions
if it did not take much of their time and money to make them and if
someone continues to actively make them.  Enter DigiForte Designs,
my small software company with time to kill...I'll tell you if any of this
actually goes somewhere.  Don't get me wrong, this is NOT a done
deal, but I have some good impressions from their end.

Dave Haynie has left Commodore for Scala.  An E-mail from him to
that effect proves it.  This, of course, completely rules him out from
having his name etched on Amiga motherboards, but DOES free him
up for DiskSalv MM, which will directly spool salvaged files to video
in NTSC or PAL format and allow mixing with any AmigaDOS 

(portions of the above are satire)

The Coverdisk is looking up!  I have about 5 distribution BBSes lined
up and will probably be able to secure a couple more before my targeted
June 19 release.  I've been telling people June 15, but since I want to make
it a policy to post the contents of the disk in the issue of AR directly
preceding the Coverdisk, I have to push it back a bit.

Since I have received zero submissions, look for it to include Apple2000
(V1.1 for sure, V1.2 if Kralian has it done by then) and some of the more
clever items from my WBStartup drawer. :)

Watch for the disk and any other twists I may choose to throw in soon.
Until next time...when someone tells you to buy a PC or a Mac, just
ask them if you can grab the screen and yank it up and down.

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